Thursday, July 29, 2010

How I Keep My Computer Clean And Organized

First things first; Let us start with what certain programs do. The antiviral software keeps harmful files from getting on your computer or removes them once they are on your computer. Antispyware removes spyware that is attached to some programs or files that you receive or download. It is usually harmless, but not always. A Firewall is like a bomb shelter for your computer, it blocks the bad guys, or hackers from getting into your computer and tells you when they try. Always keep these programs up to date.

You should run your antiviral programs and antispyware programs daily to keep your computer free of harmful content. This content can make your computer run slow, or completely wipe out the data on your hard drive.

Antispyware will keep the annoying and sometimes hazardess spyware off of your computer. Antivirus software will stop viruses from getting onto your computer and also find and remove them if they do get on your computer. Keep all of your software updated. These programs should be run daily.

A registry cleaner can keep your registry clean by removing old file strings, which will keep your computer running better. Keep an anti spyware program on to help you to avoid and clean any spyware from your computer that comes along with some programs like free ones.

Remove programs that you do not use. Program files are often large and will take up space and can slow down your computer. If you think you might have a use for it later you should have a backup disk for it. It is just best to remove whatever you do not use.

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